Online Class Notes (Li)


COVID test

COVID positive/positive – to have COVID

cooperate – to work together

self-test kit – home test

experiment – a scientific test to find out about something

ex. do an experiment/perform an experiment

pursue – to try to get/do sth over some time

ex. pursue a dream/career/college degree

Speaking exercise

It became a normal things for the people every day.

It has become a daily routine for everyone.

It is a part of life now.

For my own self

For myself 

On the other side

On the other hand 

As the government situation, they want to use this way to find potential person who get the virus.

For the government, their goal is to find positive cases.

I didn’t choice

I don’t have a choice 

People put different liquids on home-test kit.

People have tried to experiment with different liquids to see if the results of the home-test kit will change.

Tea can help people protect your body.

Tea can help to prevent the virus from attacking your body.

Tea can help to prevent people from getting the virus.