Online Class Notes (Joe)


liquor /ˈlɪkə/


cardboard (noun) – the material that boxes are made of
We cut the cardboard to make special boxes

throw away (verb) – tirar la basura
I could have thrown away lots of things

let go (verb) – Déjalo ir
You have to let go of negative emotions and bad thoughts

pack (verb) – to put things in other things
I packed all the paintings in boxes

custom-sized – a special size for something
I had some custom-sized boxes made for the canvasses

put yourself in someone else’s shoes (idiom)
Imagine how someone else feels and why they did what they did.


Could you have + verb 3 (imaginary past)
Could you have given the liquor to your friends?

I could have + verb 3 (imaginary past)
I could have given the liquor to my friends.

Did you have to + verb 1
Did you have to bring everything to Madrid?

I didn’t have to + verb 1
I didn’t have to bring everything to Madrid

Make something – do it yourself
Have something made – pay someone to do it