Online Class Notes (Joe)

Today we focused on:

We talked about the TV show, Manifest.


main /meɪn/

mean /meɪn/

coincidence /kəʊˈɪnsɪd(ə)ns/


flood (noun/verb) – more water than there should be
It rained too much and there was a flood

optimistic – positive about the future
He has been optimistic so far

world turned upside down (expression) – to change someone’s life completely, often in a way that is shocking or upsetting
Her world was turned upside down after her fiance married her best friend.

return (verb) (without to) – take back
I returned the gift because it was expensive

return (verb) (with to) – go back
I returned to the place where we met

blow up (phrasal verb) – explode (there are other meanings)
The plane blew up

gate (noun) – used to block only part of an entrance/passage
The gate was locked but I could see what it looked like inside

door (noun) – a barrier, used to block passage
I couldn’t see anything inside because the door was closed


He succeeded to do it
He succeeded in doing it
He managed to do it

the NSA wants to know why they came back in 5 and a half years
the NSA wants to know why they came back 5 and a half years later