Online Class Notes (Ally)


vocabulary quiz next class


lockdown: 封城

quarantine: 隔离

report:举报 (n)报告
ie. If someone reports(v) you…
ie. I wrote a report(n) on the film industry.

encourage: 鼓励

building: 楼

unit: 户 202 201
ie. thirteen – o – one

stories/floors: 楼层

elevator/lift: 电梯

small town person: 农村人

building management: 物业

gossip:绯闻 八卦 (n, person)
ie. Ally is a huge gossip.

bribe: 贿赂

smuggled: 走私

effect: 影响
ie. Does it effect you in any way?

diet coke: 无糖可乐

in my opinion: 在我的观点中

silent: 沉默


nightclub: 夜店

clubbing: 蹦迪
ie. You wanna go clubbing tonight?

30 多:thirty-something
ie. She’s twenty-something/ She’s in her 20’s =  she’s about/more than 20 years old.

pro-America: 亲美

retirement: 退休

social benefits: 社会福利

soe/government-run companies : state-owned enterprise

healthcare: 医保

racist:种族歧视 (adj)
ie. They will always be racist

open-minded: 开放态度;开朗;开放思维

hispanic: 拉美裔

stereotype: 刻板印象

takeout box: 外卖盒
ie. Can I get a box for takeout?

Speaking exercise

“What’s new this week?”
“No” – no what – “nothing/nothing much/nothing really”

“What is your community like?” “How is your community/neighborhood?”

are you in any neighborhood wechat groups?
did you join any neighborhood wechat groups?

some people … in group
some people show off (秀) their relationship in the group

when I’m young, my neighbor is very nice. We can play each other. We can invite me to them home.
when I was young, my neighbor was very nice. We could play with each other. They would invite me to their home.

are you playing me?

when I was in primary school/when I was 10 years old/in my childhood

knock on your door

dog shout
the dog would bark (wangwang)