Online Class Notes (JJ)

Today we focused on:

Finished reading “Mrs. Patty is batty”


full of: 布满着,里面有很多。。。

recognize: 认出

nude: 裸着的

trunk: 箱子

pirate: 海盗

hide: 藏

treasure: 宝藏

suddenly: 突然

lift: 举起

push: 推

mummy: 木乃伊

bandage: 绑带

scream: 大喊

dead: 死去了的

ghost: 鬼混

come to life: 复活了

dump: 倒出

sword: 剑

surrender: 投降

over my dead body: 死都不要

swing: 晃来晃去

knock out: 打掉的

have mercy: 饶了我

celebrate: 庆祝

tip over: 让某个东西倾斜

throw up: 呕吐

run around: 绕着某个地方。。。