2F2F Class Notes (Ally)


voluntary: volunteer, do by yourself

mandatory: must/required

upside: advantage

self-conscious: care a lot about what others think of you

intimidating: 令人紧张的;令人害怕的

interdeparmental: cross-department, cross-functional

pathetic: 可怜的;悲惨的;差劲的;不足的;乏味的;令人反感的


verb tense

Speaking exercise

I’m OK with both
Either one is OK with me

There’s a lot of things happened …
There are a lot of things happening now..
There were a lot of things that happened ..

The biggest difference is considering (n) the personalities (n) between me and my colleagues
The biggest difference is that I have different personalities compared to/than/from my colleagues.
The biggest difference is that I have different personalities compared to/than/from my colleagues. (the biggest difference is that + sentence)
The biggest difference is my different personality compared to my colleagues. (the biggest difference is + n)

It was her who gave me the chance for the interview and made me pass the door to the company.
It was her who gave me the chance for the interview and gave me a pass to the company.

Only nearly … in our db, which is really not a lot. 

They have relatively high loyalty to our brand. They tend to re-purchase more, compared to the industry average.

Since we started the CRM project in the August of last year, the market situation/it has been like this, no big changes/nothing new recently.

There’s not a lot that CRM can do.

sustainability of the environment
sustainable fashion