Online Class Notes (Jesse)


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.


I bought a kindle for several years ago 
I do something 3 times
I do something after class 

i set the language in English – I set the language to English / I change it to English

Tomorrow will be Wednesday
It will be hot tomorrow

the = you know and I know which one

governments always have new policies – any of them
the government always has new policies – a specific government

If not real, you can’t use normal verbs. You must use past tense verbs.
if I was rich, I could buy 10 houses.


electric book e-books 

my colleague has left work / has finished work 

they want to slow down the aging population problem

We are all aging at the same speed

plural < > singular 

Writing exercise

Today is International Children’s holiday, I really hope that I can go back to my childhood, I want to play all day, to try to go more place, not just stay in Shanghai.

You know that the Chinese government had announced a new regulation which the couple can have the third kid, if they want. So you can look at too many things to make fun of the policy, such as: the 80 generation, if they decide to have the third kid. Maybe they need to face that their three children also will have three children in their own, so they have to help to raise the 9 babies when they 65 years, It’s horrible.

7 seats SUV will be exit the market, because it will be have a totally new one which is 9 seats MPV, It is a new kind of bus for family

This is a big gift for every 80 & 90 generation on the holiday from the government.

Today is International Children’s holiday, and I really wish that I could go back to my childhood, because I could play all day, and also try to go to more places, and not just stay in Shanghai.

You know that the Chinese government had announced a new regulation which is that the couples can have a third kid, if they want. So you can find too many things to make fun of in the policy / there are many things about the policy that we can make fun of, such as: the 80s generation, if they decide to have a third kid, maybe they need to face that their three children also will have three children of their own, so they have to help to raise (the) 9 babies when they are 65 years, which would be horrible.

7 seater SUVs will be exit the market, because it will be have a totally new one which is a 9 seater MPV, and is a new kind of bus for families

This is a big gift for every 80s & 90s generation for the holiday from the government.