Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

advertisement / advert / ad – guang gao
eg. I saw an ad on TV

environment – huan jing


The monkey plays with the broom which is used to turn on the TV, and Mr Bean takes the broom and he turns on the TV. When they see the news on the TV, it says 1 little monkey was stolen, therefore / so they are little bit surprised. After that, Mr Bean and little monkey go downstairs and when Mrs Wicket comes out she asks about the stolen monkey therefore Mr Bean carries the monkey behind the vase since he doesn’t want Mrs Wicket to know that he took / has the monkey. He says to the monkey, quickly run!! and the little monkey and Mr Bean go outside and drive to the zoo and at the zoo there are 2 policemen who say “oh stop the car is there a monkey / are there any monkeys in your car?â€. Mr Bean drives into the zoo because / as / since he wants to return the little monkey.


it is the 2nd time that I have been here.
it is the 2nd time that Mr Bean has been to the zoo.

reunion / reunited
eg. the monkey was reunited with his family
eg2. my dad has a reunion with his classmates every 5 years

medicine is something that we take if we have a sickness, and we will feel better

I have a sickness / I have happiness in my life
I am sick / I am happy 

Lips are the part of your body on the outside of your mouth and you have 2 of them. We use them to eat, talk, and smile.

dictate – mo xie

Speaking exercise

After that Mr Bean gives one banana to the monkey and then the police man check for Mr Bean’s car, and Mr Bean put the monkey on his back and then the policeman checks for his car but he isn’t in the car so he says OK you can go in. Then the woman gives Mr Bean a ticket and a map but Mr Bean says “no, it is the 2nd time that I have been here” and then he goes to the zoo. He carries the monkey out of the car.

After that Mr Bean gives one banana to the monkey and then the police man checks for Mr Bean’s car for the monkey, but Mr Bean puts the monkey on his back like a bag. The monkey isn’t in the car so he says OK you can go in. Then the woman gives Mr Bean a ticket and a map but Mr Bean says “no, it is the 2nd time that I have been here” and then he goes inside / into the zoo. He carries the monkey out of the car and brings it to the monkey’s parents.