Online Class Notes (Jesse)


use: because, as, since, which, who, therefore, however 

Writing exercise

Mr Bean elections 3 train set and he says to the shop assistant that he want the third train set and he says to let the shop assistant to lay it on the floor so the floor. When the shop assistant was building to rail, Mr Bean goes too two floor of the toy shop and he run to the water gun

Mr Bean elects to look at 3 train set and he says to the shop assistant that he wants the third train set and he asks the shop assistant to lay it on the floor, so he lays it on the floor. When the shop assistant is building the rail, Mr Bean goes to the 2nd floor of the toy shop and he runs to the water guns. 


1.5 – point (numbers)
www. – dot (websites)
Goodbye. – full stop / period (sentences)

bullet – sth that comes out of a gun when you shoot

Mum says to let me do my homework – Mum asks me to do my homework

let – you want to, and mum says OK!
make – you don’t want to, and mum says YOU MUST!

elect (v)
election (n)
eg. I choose the banana / I elect to get the banana

invisible ink
eg. I have a pen that has invisible ink!


but – however
I have a pen. It is black = I have a pen which is black
Mr Bean is a man. Mr Bean is funny. = Mr Bean is a man who is funny.

Speaking exercise

Mr Bean is playing with the toys at the end floor. He shoot the robot that is as tall as Mr Bean and he use a bow and arrow to shoot the robot. The arrow shooted the robot eyes, so the robot stopped / froze. Teddy was in the tank and the tank shoot at the robot but it didn’t hit it. The shop assistant will find out what Mr Bean is doing so the shop assistant will be angry and let him go out of the shop. He used the arrow to shoot the robot. It hit his face so he is blind and Mr Bean use a gun and the bullet flew out of the gun and hit the case and the case’s bricks fell on the shop assistant and the bucket fell on the shop assistant so he is blind and mad.

Mr Bean is playing with the toys at the 2nd floor. He shoots the robot that is as tall as Mr Bean and he uses a bow and arrow to shoot the robot. The arrow shoots the robot‘s eyes, so the robot freezes. Teddy is in the tank and the tank shoots at the robot but it doesn’t hit it. The shop assistant may find out what Mr Bean is doing so the shop assistant may be angry and make him go out of the shop. He uses the arrow to shoot the robot. It hits his face so he is blind and Mr Bean uses a gun and the bullet flies out of the gun and hits the bookcase so the bricks fall on the shop assistant and the bucket falls on the shop assistant so he is blind and mad.