F2F Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I learnt a little bit of 心理咨询的知识 online —> I learnt a little bit of knowledge of psychology theories online


does not benefit us: 对我们没有帮助

psychology: 心理学

psychological: 心理学的

elective: 选修课

all over the world: 全世界

daily: 每天

pretty decent: 还不错

official account:公众号

mysterious: 神秘的

twice a week: 一周两次

conditions: 条件

Ex: There needs to be some conditions for a therapy session to take place.

receiver: 接收者

goal: 目标

elderly/senior: 老年

process/development: 过程

human growth and development

tarot card reading: 读塔罗牌

astrology: 星象学

birth chart: 星盘

rising sign: 上升星座

significant other/partner: 伴侣


Find out about your own birth chart and share with me next class about any interesting/surprising findings :).