Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

this is why you do not succeed – Millenials

the video explained why the millenials are like this. it gave 4 reasons to explain that it is an environment, it is a parenting method that makes the millenials form specific chracteristics / personality traits. Millenials are a generation which means refers to a group of people who were born in 1984 or after, I think it’s called 80 hou in Chinese. So millenials are a special generation which is always accused of being entitled and self centered and lazy and that’s a negative tag, and they are also tagged with some positive words like creative, confident, sometimes over confident, (able to think outside the square). The video focused on the negative chracteristics of millenials and so why are the millenials like this? i think there are 4 aspects to explain it: parenting, technology, patience, and environment. The first one is parenting – the millenial is told to be special when they’re young by their parents (mollycoddle (v)). Many of them did well / were overachievers / got good grades in school not because they were excellent but because their parents told their teachers to do that which means they were protected well by their parents. So that parenting method gave millenials too much protect and confidence and when the millenial grew up, when they became adults they will find the society is not so good, the achievement is not so easy to get. Especially career achievement, love, friendship, they’re not easy to get. So the gap between the real world and the school, and the time period of being an adolescent, is so huge that many of the millenial is failed to deal with it. And the 2nd one is technology – we are living in a world of social media, of internet, so the millenial can get a facebook or instagram and a very young age, so I think many of them took much time on the social media / they focus too much on it, they even are addicted to the social media / they have an addiction to social media so they forgot how to form a meaningful friendship in the real world / face by face, and furthermore the social media is a filter – you only follow the friends you like, so you only hear the voice of the friends who they like, that is not the real world (it’s a bubble). But in the real world you have to deal with the friends or the people you do not like. You have get the skills how to refuse them. Most of the millenial are lack of patience – they always want to finish a thing in a very short time – for example – they can get everything in internet, if they want to watch a movie they go to the netflix, don’t have to wait – so they form a habit of getting everything quickly. But in the real world many of the things / it takes time to achieve greatness, like go to the mountain, it’s a long way – what matters is that whether you can go to the summit, not how much time you take. Environment: sometimes I think the society do not give them the right environment, such like the companies, many companies or many corporations measure them by month, not by year, … as one of the millenial I have to say if you want to be successful, if you want to get the real success, or live a meaningful life, you have to overcome all the things.

Italics are uncorrected


I looked it up online / I looked it up on the internet
I am online / I am on the internet
I spend time online / I spend time on the internet
I go online / I use the internet
I found it online / I found it on the internet
I got it online / I got it on the internet

they are not so much open minded


mollycoddle (v) / mollycoddled (adj) – to give something too much attention and affection 
eg. millenials are often mollycoddled

to think outside the square / to think outside the box – to be able to think freely, creatively, without following others, to be flexible in your way of thinking

self centered (adj)
eg. he is a very self centered guy / he is self centered

I really like his character / he has a great character / you can judge someone’s characters by the way they dress / the way they treat others = personality
one of the best characteristics of my wife is that she is trustworthy / one of the best parts of her personality is that she is trustworthy

metrics – the numbers used to calculate / measure things

have everything at the touch of a button / instant gratification

status quo

as early as next month