Online Class Notes (Jesse) [28.5]

Doris Yawns: 1.1
Doris silly: 10


Needs more review

ingredients – cai liao – “in gree dee yents”
complain – tou su
eg. I will complain to Doris’ mum about her being silly 7 times


he don’t have the earshe doesn’t have ears 


flour – “flower


eg. the hat covers my head
eg. the eyes cover the chicken

ceiling / roof

he will burn the pizza

oven – kao xiang

he prints the menu / he photocopies the menu

customers – ke ren

Speaking exercise

The dough sticks on the ceiling but it falls down on the MB’s face so it covers his face. After that he makes the pizza which like the teddy bear. Then he puts it in the oven. Finally MB eats the pizza happily. However, he wants to start a pizza shop so he makes a menu and his logo is his teddy bear. Then he goes to the photo shop. Then prints the menu and gives the menu to them because he wants them wants they to be the customers. Then he goes to everyones house and puts the menu in their home.

The dough sticks on the ceiling but it falls down on the MB’s face so it covers it. After that he makes the pizza which is like / which looks like the teddy bear. Then he puts it in the oven. Finally he eats the pizza happily. However, he wants to start a pizza shop so he makes a menu and the logo is his teddy bear. Then he goes to the photo shop where MB prints the menu and gives the menu to them because he wants them to be his customers. Then he goes to everyone’s house and puts the menu in their homes.

Writing exercise

MB wants to make his own pizza so he puts the ingredients on the table and he ties the apron. After that he puts the flour and butter in the bowl, then blends it but he sneezes and soils the teddy bear. Also he uses a rolling pin to flatten the dough and play with the dough.

MB wants to make his own pizza so he puts the ingredients on the table and he ties the apron. After that he puts the flour and butter in the bowl, then mixes it but he sneezes and covers the teddy bear in flour. Also he uses a rolling pin to flatten the dough and play with it.