Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Today we focused on:

detective books are preferred

Speaking exercise

I woke up 7 AM this morning. Then I had breakfast and rest for about an hour. My father drove me to had the class then. I had the class about 2 hours and then we went to have lunch. We ate chicken and some vegetables and I ate sandwiches.

I woke up at 7 AM this morning. Then I had breakfast and a rest for about an hour. My father drove me to have the class then. I had the class for about 2 hours and then we went to have lunch. We ate chicken and some vegetables and I ate sandwiches.


knowledge – is something we learn / we know

I got new knowledge
I learned knowledge 

I learned something new
This is knowledge I just was taught
I gained lots of interesting knowledge from this class

eg. I think my studies are really important
eg2. I take my studies really seriously

something = usually is just 1
things = always more than 1

independent = can do things by yourself

expand our horizons
to gain a wider perspective
expand our view of the world


I think notI don’t think so 

I like it < > I don’t like it

I want to eat ice cream
Yesterday I wanted to eat ice cream

did you review your notes?

what do you mean by review / by notes?

eat / ate / eaten / eating
go / went / gone (been) / going

Yes I have been to Japan

2024 – now
2020 – past

Yes I had been to Japan

have done
had done

a / the 

a = just means any 1
the = the person can guess which one I mean / they can know which one I mean.

Earth is a planet

you should protect the planet (Earth)

when I am little child – when I was a little child

which – to point to the noun or the sentence that you just said.
eg. I traveled to Japan last year which was really fun.
eg2. I traveled to Japan last year which was 5 months ago.
eg3. I traveled to Japan which is a small country.

there is so good!it is really good there

there have – it has / there are / there is 

The dog is happy.

it’s a happy dog
it’s a dog
dogs can feel happiness
this dog is happy

furniture – uncountable because they’re all so different
water – uncountable

which = and it
who = and he / she / they
when = and at that time
eg. I went to Japan when I was 14. = I went to Japan and at that time I was 14.

where = and in that place
eg. I went to a park. There are many dogs in the park. = I went to a park where there are many dogs.
eg2. I traveled to China and there are so many people in China = I traveled to China where there are so many people.

there are 5 chairs beside the table

Speaking exercise

Last summer my school organised a club and it is go to gansu a province in China and I joined it with my classmates and we went there in summer. It is very hot. There is desert so it’s dry and always sunny. I went there because i liked the culture there because the silk road. We went to see the cave and there are many paints on it wall because it is about the culture in ancient times.

Last summer my school organised a club and it went to gansu which is a province in China and I joined it with my classmates and we went there in summer. It was very hot. It has a desert / There is a desert there so it’s dry and always sunny. I went there because I like the culture there because of the silk road. We went to see the cave and there are many paintings on it wall because they are about the culture in ancient times.

I met a man. The man is nice. = I met a man who is nice.
14 years old is an important age. 14 years old means we are almost adults = 14 years old is an important age because we are almost adults.