Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

LD stares at the jello copy of herself, the copy of LD made my JO winked at her, the RLD grabs Robby and says to Robby to look at JLD. Robby reaches across the table and high fives the JLD and says LD is awesome with a capital A plus LD is the jelloy eating champion of the school! X infinity. JLD smiles, RLD did not (FACT: Do not eat lots jelloy or you will get fat). Dee Dee stops to congratulate JLD’s hair when crossing their table to their own table.

LD stares at the jello copy of herself and the copy of LD made by jello winked at her / LD stares at the jello copy of herself with the copy of LD made by Jello winking at her. Then / Following that, the RLD grabs Robby and says to him to look at JLD. He reaches across the table and high fives the JLD and says LD is awesome with a capital A plus LD / she is the jello eating champion of the school! X infinity. JLD smiles, however RLD did not (FACT: Do not eat lots of jello or you will get fat). Dee Dee stops to congratulate JLD’s hair on the way to their own table.


I have many students and Damon is the best = I have many students with Damon being the best.

I have many students and Damon drinks milk every day = I have many students with Damon drinking milk every day.


swear words – bad words that kids shouldn’t use

ruckus – mayhem – lots of noise / problems
eg. what’s all this ruckus??