Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

nephew – brother or sister’s son

scalpel – a knife that a doctor uses to cut people


MB is in the way / MB is blocking their view

Speaking exercise

MB is looking for the propeller so he goes outside to find the propeller and while he is driving he is looking for it and then a 3 wheeled car comes and MB is blowing their view so the car goes in the garbage box. He saw the traffic light is red and he stops driving very fast. But he saw he was far away __ the traffic light and he drives. He said I’m silly because at this time he don’t need the magnifying glass so he says he was silly. Then he went to the toy shop but the security guard is at the door and MB saw the security guard. When he goes he saw the propeller so he thinks of an idea.

MB is looking for the propeller so he goes outside to find it and while he is driving he is looking for it and then a 3 wheeled car comes and MB is blocking their view so the car goes in the garbage bin / dumpster. He saw the traffic light is red and he stops driving very fast / he slams on the brakes. But he saw he was far away from the traffic light and he starts driving. He said I’m silly because at this time he doesn’t need the magnifying glass so he says he was silly. Then he went to the toy shop but the security guard is at the door and MB saw the security guard. When he goes he saw the propeller so he thinks of an idea.