Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

fictitious / fictional

anesthetic – ma yao – makes you numb “an nes thet tick”

I have pins and needles in my legs – numb parts of my body

sword – “sord


Master Damon

Mister Xi


Speaking exercise

Just as they pin is about to strike MB, MB flew out of the room and grabs teddy and stumbles into a rack of electric wheelchairs. And then an old lady peeks out from the room, saw MB’s bottom sticking out of the gown and fainted on the spot. Then MB sees the fat nurse running towards him shouting him to stop so MB grabs a wc and speeds off and the nurse seeing there’s one more wc hops into the other one and speeds after MB. Then MB sees a woman with a walker and walking one direction then just as he turns a corner making the old woman spin around and go the other direction, the nurse speeds around the corner making the woman face the other direction again. As MB is going down the hallway a man with crutches sees MB coming and points one crutch at him and MB nearly bowls him over as he sped away, and one of the crutches nearly flew out of his hand.

Just as the needle is about to strike MB, he flew out of the room and grabs teddy and stumbles into a rack / couple / pair of electric wheelchairs. And then an old lady peeks out from the room, saw MB’s bottom sticking out of the gown and fainted on the spot. Then MB sees the fat nurse running towards him shouting at him to stop so MB grabs a wc and speeds off and the nurse seeing there’s one more wc hops into the other one and speeds after MB. Then MB sees a woman with a walker and walking one direction then just as he turns a corner making the old woman spin around and go the other direction, the nurse speeds around the corner making the woman face the other direction again. As MB is going down the hallway a man with crutches sees him coming and points one crutch at him and MB nearly bowls him over as he sped away, and one of the crutches nearly flew out of his hand.