Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [7]

Writing exercise

MB cuts the dinosaur’s horn off, and he walks to the sink. He grabs the toothbrush and he sees his tooth is outside and MB falls down because he thinks that is a monster. MB thinks and stands up and touches his tooth. And he goes out to the dental clinic / dentist. He uses the tooth to touch / press / push the doorbell and a dentist pulls the doorknob / pulls the door open and she says good morning! The dentist is scared and MB says “my tooth stuck” and MB is very angry and the dentist says excuse me and then / so MB walks into the dental clinic. When he gets in everyone shouts ahhhhh because everyone is scared of MB and MB is very angry. MB waves his finger back and forth and saygrrrr and runs to the women and men / patients.

Needs more review

basement (downstairs under your house)

eg. MB’s tooth hurts 


The tooth is in his mouth and he takes it out


patient – bing ren
eg. there are many patients in the hospital

pass out – go to sleep because you’re scared or sick 
eg. MB passes out because he thinks that is a monster and he is really scared

dentist drill – something the dentist uses to cut

xray – something a doctor uses to see inside your body

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when

MB goes into the dentist and he saw the monster but it was not a monster. It was a dentist. And MB passes out because he’s super scared. The dentist cutting the finger with the drill. The dentist is angry because MB is not in the chair so the dentist says “sit down”