Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

pass out / faint


at morningin the morning 

10AM, 11AM, 12PM 1PM

I have some mouthwash. I like it.

I play guitar
I play sport
I play games
I play with the chair
I play with my hair

there has a lot of things – there are a lot of things in it


take teeth 

mouth wash 

air hose 

useful – you yong de

Speaking exercise

when / who / which

Dentist says to MB “ahhh” and then he says “ahh” and MB says “ahh”. Next, the dentist says you can choose 1 fake tooth and then MB sits on the dentist’s chair and he sees something which looks good and he drinks it, and the mouthwash is delicious so he drinks all of the mouthwash. When the dentist is picking the fake tooth, MB is playing the dentist’s chair but i think MB will fall off. Next, MB saw something which he thinks is good, and MB is playing with the air hose but the dentist doesn’t see MB playing with the air hose.

The dentist says to MB “ahhh” and MB says “ahh” and opens his mouth. Next, the dentist says you can choose 1 fake tooth and then MB sits on the dentist’s chair and he sees something which looks good so he drinks it because MB thinks it will taste good, and the mouthwash is delicious so he drinks all of it. When the dentist is picking the fake tooth, MB is playing with the dentist’s chair but i think MB will fall off. Next, MB saw something which he thinks will be fun / will be useful, so MB is playing with the air hose but the dentist doesn’t see MB playing with the air hose.