Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

she almost lies on Teddy


5:59 – it’s five fifty nine
6:00 – it’s six oh clock

Optimus Prime – the blue and red good transformer

cough – ke sou
eg. he coughs near MW because MW is lying on MB’s bed and MB wants MW to wake up

alarm clock – nao zhong
eg. he turns on the alarm because MB wants to wake up MW.
eg2. he puts the clock near the cat’s ear and the cat is scared like a monster is coming

eg. MB picks up the mattress and MW is on the mattress carries it downstairs and goes into the living the room.
eg2. He pulls the mattress out from under MW.

the Mrs WicketMrs Wicket

eg. he hits the pans together because he wants MW to wake up.

blanket – bei zi
eg. MB is under the blanket which is on MW’s legs.
