Online Class Notes (Jesse)


cardio – cardiovascular


the teacher always puts me next to this kid called Kayton

he insisted “I’m tall, and strong…”
he insisted that he was tall and strong …

Tali’s mother sighed as she knew he was right.

She wasn’t keen to allow him to go on the trip
She was hesitant to allow him to go on the trip

he was too curious, it might put him in danger
he was overly curious which might put him in danger / at risk of getting hurt

storm off
eg. he stormed off in a huff into his room

that late afternoonlate that afternoon / late one afternoon

there was a terrible storm a terrible storm appeared overhead / out of thin air / a terrible storm rumbled overhead / the storm raged overhead 

speak of the devil – shuo cao cao cao cao dao

dreamt / dreamed

he stopped dead (in his tracks)
he stopped abruptly

a glow emanating from the ground

find – locate / went in search of 

went – headed off / ventured out / left 


grave = short g
rage = long g
ragging = short g
