Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


it was as big as a horse / it was as big as this! / it was this big 

cake crumbs on the floor – little pieces of cake

attic – a place that is above a room / house / the ceiling

While MB is hiding in the attic, he will eat the cake

lick your lips
lick your fingers 


crumbs = “crums

Speaking exercise

MW is going into the house so MB eats very quickly because he thinks MW will find him and I think she will feel angry. MW opens the door, then he finds a little piece of cake is gone so he is angry. The cat and MW look at the cake crumbs and she is surprised and shouts “bean!!!!!” and follows the crumbs. MB runs upstairs with his cake because he hear “bean!!!” and he will eat the cake quickly.

MW is going into the house so MB eats very quickly because he thinks MW will find him and I think she will feel angry. MW opens the door, then she finds a little piece of cake is gone so she is angry. The cat and MW look at the cake crumbs and she is surprised and shouts “bean!!!!!” and follows the crumbs. MB runs upstairs with his cake because he hears “beee e  e e e an!!!” and he will eat the cake quickly.