Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Today we focused on:

to / with / about / for

that / which / where


it depends on your perspective 


5 thousands5 thousand

that = (and) it
eg. I have a pen that you can use. = I have a pen and you can use it.
eg2. The pen that is red is mine, and the pen that is black is yours. (I’m saying which pen)
eg3. I know that your name is Cindy (add a sentence)
which = (and) it
eg. I have a pen which you can use = I have a pen and you can use it.
eg2. I live in a place which is called “Sydney” = adding new information
where = and at that place / the place that
eg. I went to a cafe and at that cafe, I can buy good coffee = I went to a cafe where I can buy good coffee.
eg2. I went to the place that my friend works =  I went to where my friend works.

I don’t understand where the results are.