Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


and / but / so / because / when

Writing exercise

MB hides behind the garbage and the man find MB and the man is tired. MB is tired too. The man doesn’t come. The ice cream is melted.

MB hides behind the garbage and the man finds MB and the man is tired because he is always running. MB is tired too because he is always running too. The man stops because he runs too much and he wants to chill out. The ice cream is melted because the day is super hot so he can’t eat it and he feels so sad!

the ice cream drops on the floor because it is all melted

Needs more review

eg. he uses the strawberry topping to squirt the man and the man becomes a strawberry topping monster

cash register – “kash re jes ster”
eg. there is so much money in the cash register

Speaking exercise

The ice cream man is going to the ICT. He saw so many moneys in the cash register. He feels super duper happy. And he saw the ice cream on the floor and he go to MB’s house. MB is clean the floor and he saw the ICM. He is scared because the man is come.

The ice cream man is going to the ICT but he saw so much money in the cash register so he feels super duper happy. And he saw the ice cream on the ground and he goes to MB’s house because he wants to find MB. MB is cleaning the floor and he saw the ICM so he is scared because the man is coming.


ground (outside) / floor (inside)

she knocks on the door

If there is an ice cream truck you should get some money and you need to buy ice cream and pay the ice cream man.