Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [51.5]

Writing exercise

As one of the safest countries, China sacrificed a lot to burden the communal security, such as installing cameras to monitor the public areas, building civic phone number to certify voice phishing and leaving comments with IP to track internet crimes…Many foreigners may think that such a catastrophic situation impacts their personal freedom. But for Chinese people, compared with losing freedom, damaging life and prosperity safety is a worse calamity. And the truth is that these features caters public safety and decreased the crime rate.

As one of the safest countries, China sacrificed a lot to enhance the communal / civic security, such as installing cameras to monitor the public areas, creating phone numbers related to your ID to certify / verify voice phishing (“fishing”) and leaving comments with IP to track internet crimes…Many foreigners may think that such a catastrophic situation impacts their personal freedom and burden them. But for Chinese people, compared with losing freedom, damaging life and property safety is a worse calamity. And the truth is that these features cater to public safety and decrease the crime rate.


everyone wants prosperity – to be rich or have enough resources available to you

people’s civic duties include not littering, not breaking the law, and being responsible

I go to a communal shower – I go to a public shower that the community uses together

envy – xian mu
adore – love

my battery is low so I need to charge it

burden – too much responsibility / pressure
eg. kids can be a burden on parents

being poor is a burden on people
