Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


I want to drink some water

I want my sister to go out

he uses the dentist drill

he puts the horn on the dinosaur but the horn is not straight

there are many children lining up for the ice cream
there is a man running in the park

So MB will feel / be very angry
I am very happy

I like drinking coffee.
I like coffee.

I think drinking coffee is bad for your health.
I think lining up is very boring.

Speaking exercise

I go out from my home and I ride a bicycle in the housing complex. friend. just ok. for a few minutes

I went out from my home and I rode a bicycle in the housing complex with my friend. I think it was just OK and I rode for a few minutes.

on a sunny day MB is very hot so he wants to eat an ice cream and then he sees a ice cream car and he pushes in front of the boy.

He ran to his home and take a wallet and ran to the ice cream car but he see there are many children lining up for the ice cream but he wants to eat ice cream fast so he doesn’t line up but the ice cream man is very angry because MB didn’t line up so he says you can’t buy ice cream if you don’t line up so MB lines up. MB thinks lining up is very boring.

Needs more review

housing complex


wallet – a thing we put money in

take – na

piggy bank – a box / thing you put money in and keep at home