Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

Part 1 —> MB finds out where is the potatoes so he put a sack of potatos into the shopping cart but / however the cart have so many things that the cart can’t even move! X 1,000,000. He saw some oil so he poured some oil onto the floor so the wheels become slippery.

Part 2 —> handle / shopping cart / bars / wheels


Part 1 —> MB found out where the potatoes were so he put a sack of potatoes into the shopping cart but / however the cart had soooooo many things that the cart couldn’t even move! X 1,000,000. He saw some oil so he poured it onto the floor so the wheels become slippery.

Part 2 —> handle / shopping cart / bars / wheels


Speaking exercise

MB finds out that the shop assistant is watching him and the angry assistant charges at him and MB quickly puts the bottle that have the oil and… the shop assistant was too busy charging at MB that he haven’t noticed that there were oil on the floor. He slid, bumped into the storage room and all the boxes fall onto the shop assistant.

MB finds out that the shop assistant is watching him and the angry assistant charges at him so MB quickly puts the bottle that has the oil. The shop assistant was too busy charging at MB that he hasn’t noticed that there was oil on the floor. He slid, bumped into the storage room and all the boxes fall onto the shop assistant.


Where are you?
I don’t know where you are

put / put / put

vs = verse / versus

