Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

No, because some are too lazy, or don’t want to, or don’t have the money, think that going to piano lessons is too boring.

People who are good at piano work hard by practicing for hours every day, maybe longer fingers, strong hands.

Example: i’ve learned piano by having piano lessons and practicing every day, progress every month. Famous person.

Do you think everyone can become a good piano player? Why / Why not?

Learning piano isn’t easy for everyone but for some people, they’re able to learn it very well. There are many reasons for this so I will talk about this today and answer the question if I think everyone can become a good piano player.


In my opinion not everyone can become a good piano player because some are too lazy so they just snore in bed at home every day instead of playing piano or studying their piano homework. Also, some just don’t want to because of a lot of reasons like some thinks taking piano lessons is too boring or the piano lessons are too inconvenient so they would rather find another thing to do than playing piano. Furthermore, some may want to learn piano but they can’t afford the lessons or the piano which are often quite expensive. As well as this, some people don’t need to learn it because they already have a job with a good salary and working conditions, and they company is not facing any financial (money) dangers.

+ Example about having big hands or not


Not all people have the ability to, need to, or want to learn piano so not all people can become good piano players.


hassle – not convenient