Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [40.5]


End sentences with a “.” and use a capital letter. If there’s no conjunction, end the sentence. 


the teachers are changed – they teachers have changed

i waked up at 3 o’clock – I woke up at 3 o’clock


eventually everything will change


shake / shook / shaken 

olive oil

ingredients – food
materials – everything else

dough – uncooked bread
pizza base 

chicken pox

Speaking exercise

and then after he ate all the pizza MB was still hungry so MB thought he could have his own pizza so he got olive oil, flour and a can of fish and he took it out. MB dumped the flour to the bowl and mix the butter together. Then MB was making the base of the pizza so he rollled and throw it up to the sky. Then it stick to the roof. MB said oh no, so he saw where the dough is. The dough fell down on MB’s head. When MB was making the dough he sneezed to teddy. Teddy became white.