Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Writing exercise

Following that MB has an idea, he puts a dresser on the window. Then he takes 4 air mattress and he fulls of the air into the air mattress. Next he takes the 4 air mattress downstairs.

Following that MB has an idea, and / so he puts a dresser on the window / has an idea which is to put the dresser on the window. Then he takes 4 air mattresses and he fills up the air mattress with air. Next he takes the 4 air mattresses downstairs as he is scared when the dresser falls down so the dresser will break.


I am tired because I didn’t sleep well.
I didn’t sleep well so I am tired.
Because I didn’t sleep well, so I am tired. 

1 dress
2 dresses

I have an idea which is to put a dresser on the window .

I have a pen. It is black. = I have a pen which is black.

I have a friend. He is fat. = I have a friend who is fat.


the ice cream barrel is full (adj) 
the ice cream man fills up (v) the barrel

angry sound of a cat – hiss / snarl
happy sound of a cat – meow / mew / mieow
really happy sound – purr

Speaking exercise

MB just goes downstairs and he puts the air mattresses on the grass and the cat is sleeping on the stairs and it runs away from MB because it is afraid of MB. and then the cat jump on one of the air mattresses and sleeps on the air mattress so then he purrs. Then he uses a very long string and he ties the string on his tooth, and then he uses the pot and he throws the pot “HWACHAA” and the dresser falls down the house so then MB falls down with the dresser because the dresser is so heavy and “goodbye MB”.


it is good
i eat it