Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Today is Sunday which is my Favorite day and also today is Father’s Day in China areas .We decided eating outside tonight But we changed our mind in the end because Jamen didn’t want to go to restaurant for dinner tonight.

We went to influence cafe for Hight tea this afternoon and that is delicious and there is something like a round round round thing which is 5 horse can make music named Carousel . We took many pictures and Jamen very enjoyed it.

Today is Sunday which is my Favorite day and also today is Father’s Day in Greater China .We decided to eat outside tonight but we changed our minds in the end because Jamen didn’t want to go to a restaurant for dinner tonight.

We went to influencer cafe for High tea this afternoon and that is delicious and there is something like a round round round thing which is 5 horses which / that can make music and is named Carousel. We took many pictures and Jamen really enjoyed it.


merry-go-round / carousel (“karra sell”)

it isn’t worth it 

I’m a teacher so I teach you
I’m an influencer so I influence you

he is so wise

wise (older, more experienced, smart) < > foolish
eg. wise people have a lot of wisdom (knowledge from experience)
eg. foolish people make foolish decisions

wisdom teeth – teeth that you get when you’re a bit older

employee / staff

girl’s night out 

15,000 = 15 thousand 


they broke up

There are many influencers who go there

There is an experienced dentist who (he) is took my wisdom teeth before, so i would like to request that dentist do it for me.

What did he do?
He went home
He took my tooth

He took my tooth
He is taking my tooth
He has taken my tooth

that phone number is only for business

what can it do?
I don’t know what it can do


chilla – then say chill