Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Last Friday was a traditional festival which was Chinese new year . In Hong Kong we celebrate with family and friends so I missed my family very much at that time. I know that this is a very important traditional festival in mainland China . Every one wants back home during the festival and whatever how far away from home .

We invited Ashley who is my cousin and Steven’s friends to have a dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Rhodes. We had a great time with them but the food was not good and expensive so I don’t recommend if my friends wants to go there .

I am a Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac because I was born in the year of the Dragon so wearing some red things for whole year is good luck for me 🙌🏼 and I choose to wear a red hand rope also I wish everyone has a great luck in the Dragon year.

Last Friday was Chinese new year which is a traditional festival. In Hong Kong we celebrate with family and friends so I missed my family very much at that time. I know that this is a very important traditional festival in mainland China and every one wants to go back home during the festival however far away from home they are.

We invited Ashley who is my cousin and also Steven’s friends / We invited Steven’s friends and Ashley who is my cousin to have a dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Rhodes. We had a great time with them but the food was not good and expensive so I don’t recommend it if my friends want to go there. / but the food was both not good and expensive

I am a Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac because / since / as I was born in the year of the Dragon so wearing some red things for the whole year is good luck for me 🙌🏼 and I choose to wear a red rope bracelet. Also I wish everyone has good / amazing / a huge amount of luck in the Dragon year.


bracelet – an accessory we wear on our wrists (near our hands)

Jesse’s birthday is mid-year
Valentines day is mid month / mid february
Mid-autumn festival is mid autumn / mid year 

when do we review your notes?
we review our notes mid-class

I wish you good luck and good fortune (money)


sword – “sord”


It doesn’t matter how sick I am, I still will go to work = However sick I am, I still will go to work

It doesn’t matter how far away from home they are, they still want to go back home = However far away from home they are, they still want to go back home

it doesn’t matter how ugly Steven becomes, I will always love him = However ugly Steven becomes, I will still love him / However Steven looks, I will always love him

I invited Judy who is my wife and friend to have dinner – not clear… is Judy my friend?

I invited my friend and Judy who is my wife to have dinner – very clear. I invited 2 people, my wife and friend.

it’s not fashion – it’s not fashionable

I didn’t went out I didn’t go out / I didn’t know that

I prepared red envelopes for them
I prepared red envelopes and gave them to them last saturday