Online Class Notes (Jesse)


we went mountain climbing and I think it’s tiring 

when I clean my teeth at the dentist, it is a little painful

1 hour 30 minutes = an hour and a half 

once every few years
once a week
once a month
3 times a month
every month

eg. his leg hurts
eg. his tooth hurts

superglue – strong glue

What’s the first letter?

I use a knife to cut the tomato


I come here / I go there / I come home / I go home

some popcorn and a toy which was like a bear are next to him


They like me and I like them

I watch TV

this is my an apple

this is my another cousin – this is my other cousin / this is another cousin of mine

another = an other 

I am bored
I am happy

You bore me
I am bored by you 

I drank the water
The water is drunk by me


ate = “8”

at = short sound – apple
ate = long sound – ay / plate / plane

Speaking exercise

And then his mouth whistles because the tooth was coming out. He go to away and there is a table and on the table there was a light and a glue. He putsome glue on the tooth and he puts the tooth into his mouth but the tooth was on his finger.

And then his mouth whistled because the tooth came / had come out. He went to away and there was a table and on the table there was a light and a glue. He put some glue on the tooth and he put the tooth into his mouth but the tooth was on his finger.