Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Speaking exercise

She stretches her back and suddenly her cat flap opens up that MW thought was a rat but actually it was just MW’s orange and black and innocent cat following her. While upstairs, MB was trying not to fall asleep but failing to. Suddenly, he heard a ding ding from the bell that signals the rat has fallen into the trap. Due to the shock, MB frantically pulled the string and barely succeeded in catching it but then when MB was ready to hit the rat with a mallet, the bucket moved away. MB started chasing it around the kitchen and finally it became bucket chasing Bean. Finally MB pounced towards the bucket and managed to hold it down. He heard a chewing noise for quite a while under the bucket and when he opened the bucket the rat was gone. It turned out the rat nibbled all through the floor and then through MW’s ceiling and fell right on her cat (made up, not true – Selene lied). The cat scratched at the rat and ended up scratching its own skin and yelling in pain (lie). Next, when MB was thinking of jumping through the hole, but he got stuck so he pulled his feet out and rushed down the stairs (not true). Once MB reached the first floor, MW yelled “get that rat” commandingly. The rat was chewing some fruit whilst sitting on MW’s table with MW yelling “that’s my table!! Rat get off of my table!”. MB smashed MW’s special bowl cause the rat was sitting on it. MW cried “nooooo!! get the rat immediately / this instant!”. The rat dashed away while rushing up the chimney as quickly as possible, and it was gone in an instant. MB hatched his devious plan which was not a very good plan at all. He used the vacuum to suck up the rat but then when he took the rat (which is actually a crow) out, smashing it with a mallet, it turned out to just be a crow, standing on the chimney all innocently, but MB and MW disturbed his quiet life with the bird making a “what in the world is happening” face and flew off.


fail – faylll
fall – fall
feel – feel
fell – fell
field – feeld