Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

exam / test – kao shi – like an “egg”

grade one is great!! – yi nian ji

plastic – su liao

wait me a minute – just a moment / wait for me a minute



12AM – night time
12PM – day time – lunch time

I went to the airport at 12AM

Actually I went to the aiport at 9PM, but I waited for my mum until 12AM

I left home at 9PM and I arrived at the airport at 10PM so actually I waited for my mum for 2 hours

I want to pick her up

exactly = 100%
actually = qi shi
the time is about 7PM
the time is exactly 7:13PM

Kimi is in trouble at school

what does that mean?

he will tell we some stories – he will tell us some stories

miliary base

man / men
woman / women (wiimen)
child / children
person / people
dog / dogs

surprise party 

a glock is a type of pistol

revolve – go around
revolver – a gun that has a thing that goes around
revolving door – a door that goes around

Speaking exercise

After MB sees the man puts the grandmother into the truck, he felt terrible and then he takes all the pictures that he took of the family and he goes to the police. He shows the policeman the picturethat he took from the family and he says it’s a kidnap! and the policeman is very surprised so he blows the whistle and a lot of police cars come out of the police station and the 2 mans taking the grandma to a small cabin.

After MB sees the man put the grandmother into the truck, he felt terrible and then he takes all the pictures that he took of the family and he goes to the police. He shows the policeman the picturethat he took of the family and he says it’s a kidnapping! and the policeman is very surprised so he blows the whistle and a lot of policecars come out of the police station and the 2 men taking the grandma to a small cabin.