Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

Trust between my boss and I was slowly eroded during the time we spent together at work

Writing exercise

The fragmented pace of life is eroding people’s life, and it induces many young people become irritable and anxious. Too much news delivered by different kinds of media everyday, the vanish of these news are very quickly as well. It seems everything is not stable and wealth to retain. But every coin has two sides, following the rise of we-media, which is an equal approach for everybody to be a IP/media without any grant. It’s much more difficult for government to integrated the whole media channels together and manage them.

The fragmented pace of life is eroding people’s lives, and it induces irritability / worry / depression and anxiety in many young people. Too much news is delivered by different kinds of media everyday, and this news vanishes very quickly as well. It seems everything is not stable and worth to retain / worth retaining. But every coin has two sides, following the rise of we-media, which is an equal approach for everybody to be an IP/media without any grant (from the government / from anyone). It’s much more difficult for government to integrate the whole media channels together and manage them.


he quit / he resigned – he wanted to leave
he got fired – he didn’t want to leave

vanish – v
eg. it vanishes very quickly

person – 1
people – 2+

persons – individuals – each 1 person separately
peoples – groups of people / ethnic groups / national groups

coma – to be asleep for many months or years