Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

to set a trap and wait for someone / sth to trigger it


symptoms include: sore throat, continuous, frequent cough, fatigued, congested, dry cough
diagnosis – cold


Speaking exercise

MB held the pan high enough to hit the roof and smacked scrapper’s tail but missing the rat just by a few milimeters causing the rat to suddenly fall into Mrs Wicket’s mouth which triggered MW to wake up from the shock. The rat bit MW’s tongue and with a loud sploosh, MW spat the rat out onto MB’s face and scrambled around MB’s face while biting his nose so hard that it turned red, that  caused MB to fall down onto the stool which MW was standing on earlier while the rat scurried away upstairs towards MB’s apartment. MW commanded “GET THAT RAT!!!” in a furious tone. Outside, the crows squawked while MW led MB to the shed which contained a variety of / contained various tools. MB, first, took out a simple mouse trap which had a piece of cheese on it (that was rotten and probably was in the shed for 200 years or so), and MW was thinking “how could this get such a big, fat, dirty rat??” and told MB “this one will never work… another one”. Next, MB took out a yellow, bamboo basket from the shed, and MW shook her head, and said “no no no…”. MB sighed and took out a giant, sharp, jagged, scary-looking, razor sharp edged, metal, rusty bear trap. MW smiled and nodded just for a brief moment before becoming her old, angry, unhappy-all-the-time face while yelling “NOW GO GET THAT DIRTY RAT!!!”. MB shivered and sighed, while unwillingly going towards the house where the big, fat, dirty, unkind, scary, annoying, frustrating, smarter than MB by 100% rat. MB placed the bear trap besides MW, pink, comfy old chair before under the table with his butt and feet sticking out so he could spy on the rat if it came in. 10 minutes past, 30 minutes past, 1 hour past, 3 hours past, 5 hours past, MB was sound asleep under it and his snoring sound will probably warn the rat he was there. MB finally awoke to a crashing sound upstairs so he rushed towards his apartment and when he reached his apartment, he heard crashing, slurping, clanging, fumbling and rustling inside the kitchen. When he reached the kitchen, it was complete chaos. Even though it was messy and hard to see amongst the many cracked eggs, boxes of cereal, flour, tomato, and many different kitchen utensils blocking MB’s view, he still managed to see the grey, yellow eyed rat which was fumbling amongst a sea of MB’s precious cereal which he kept for special occasions. MB nearly yelled out “nooo my precious cereal!! I hate you rattttt!” but luckily he muffled his sound by covering his mouth. So then MB carefully sneaks the trap beside the rat