Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

1: Try to think more about comparing things. If you want to say you like coffee, talk about how it’s better than other things and the negatives of other things that coffee doesn’t have.

2: give an introduction: there are many qualities that make someone a good singer, for example: THEN ANSWER

3: don’t repeat words from the question – use another word

4: summary sentence: and so that’s the kind of place I’d love to live / and so that guy is probably the most handsome in my mind.

Do you like? Do you want? Have you done…? etc – YES or NO

I like – I’m into / I’m a big fan of / I’m keen on

A good looking person
Describe someone who you think is beautiful or handsome
Who it is
What they look like
How you knew them
Why you think he/she is good looking

he’s the type of person who

no need to talk about his personality

can talk about things you don’t like and how they compare to what you like

he is very handsome – he’s one of the most handsome people I’ve met / he’s incredibly handsome / he’s so good looking 

upturned nose – noise 

besides good lookingbesides being good looking / besides his good looks (n), he also.. / besides his appearance 

A place You Would Like to Live
Describe a place that you would like to live . You should say:
where it would be
what you would like to do there
who you would like to live there with
and explain why you would like to live there

jogging – strong “g” not like a “j”

a crowded environment / with crowding 

i want to live with my familiesfamily 

transport – commuting / transportation 

unwind – “un weyend”

advantages / disadvantages
pros and cons
positives and negatives
good and bad

A musical artist
Describe a band or singer that you like
Who it is
What kind of music they play
How you knew him / her
Why do you like them

he is a singer. his music is … – use “who

he can successsucceed / he can be successful 

tone deaf – someone who can’t catch the pitch

Good Service
Describe an occasion when you received good service from a company or shop.
You should say:
what company or business it was and what this company does * what the service was
who gave you the good service
where you received this good service
and explain why you think it was good service.

1: Try to think more about comparing things. If you want to say you like coffee, talk about how it’s better than other things and the negatives of other things that coffee doesn’t have.

2: give an introduction: there are many qualities that make someone a good singer, for example: THEN ANSWER

3: don’t repeat words from the question – use another word

4: summary sentence: and so that’s the kind of place I’d love to live / and so that guy is probably the most handsome in my mind.