Online Class Notes (Ally)


tickle: 痒 ticklish: (adj)
ie. my throat tickles/ my throat is ticklish

hesitant: youyu

devoted to

inevitable: unable to avoid


continuous: 1————————–2

consecutive: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Speaking exercise

“have you been experiencing any symptoms?”

my symptom is mild ), the temp is not very high
my symptoms were mild, I didn’t get a very high fever/my body temp wasn’t that high

how long did you got covid
when did you get covid = abt 2 weeks ago
how long ago did you get covid = abt 2 weeks ago
how long have you been covid-free/recovered/recovering = for abt 2 weeks

I start work last week
I started work last week
I have been working/back to work for a week
I went back to work last week

I have maybe 10 days rest
I have been resting for maybe 10 days
I had a 10-day rest

the life is back to normal to me
my life is back to normal now

my mil has a long time fever
my mil have had a fever for a long time/has been having/experiencing a fever 

I’ve been staying in SH for 3 or 4 years
I stayed in SH for Chinese New Years … for the last 3 or 4 years

I’m a doctor before 2022
I was a doctor before 2022/I was a doctor at that time

the trial will resume/restart

the position of the company want to start the trial asap
the position of the company is to restart the trial asap/is that they want to restart the trial asap

to edit for next class:

if there’s a long stop

there would be some concerns

when we stop the trial, the reason is covid 19

all the hospital staff have been assigned to treat covid 19/the covid department

opened up all over one night

they don’t donate their full efforts to clinical trial

like, they can went to the site, go to work

they can ensure the recruitment of the subject