Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

Watch a little of a video, learn the words first (Diana has to ask for the words), then do the speaking.

Needs more review

sport – yun dong
eg. I have a sport class and we do sports

accidentally – bu xiao xing de – “ack si dent leeâ€
eg. Diana accidentally didn’t review her notes

car accident 


jewelry – “jool reeâ€

he skiis down the escalator 


closet – yi chu
eg. Diana has a closet in her room


over and over 




RGB keyboard

teddy nods

yellow basket 

eg. a duck ducks to eat under the water


he rolls up his sleeves 

it costs 20 pounds

train track 

you test positive for COVID = you are a sheep
you test negative for COVID = you are an owl (not a sheep)

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when 

He is in the park, and they are have a picnic. He sits on the blanket and opens the basket and look at the food. MB take out the cakes and he eats one cake, then he ask teddy “can I eat the cake?”. Teddy nod so MB eats another cake. Then he sleeps on the tree. After that he finds a remote control plane is fly under the sky. A boy is controling the plane and he is laughing. The plane crash into teddy and teddy’s head is ripped. MB feel very very very very very very very very angry so he rolls up his sleeves because the little boy laugh him but then he sees a big man want to hit MB.

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when

MB skiis down the escalator so he is very fast. The thief walks down but when MB walk on the floor he is very slow because it’s very hard to walk with skiis. MB walk to the perfume and the man says “now I will catch you” and then MB pull the perfume so the thief sneeze over and over. MB puts the bag on thief’s head when the thief sneeze over and over. MB ties the tie on the thief’s hand because then he can pull the thief in the closet.

MB skiis down the escalator so he is very fast. The thief walks down but when MB walks on the floor he is very slow because it’s very hard to walk with skiis. MB walks to the perfume and the thief says “now I will catch you” and then MB sprays the perfume so the thief sneezes over and over. MB puts the bag on the thief’s head when the thief sneezes over and over. MB ties the tie on the thief’s hands because then he can push the thief in the closet.