Online Class Notes (Jesse) [36]


repeat customers
eg. I got a few repeat customers

both a blessing and a shock

didn’t see eye to eye – can’t find common ground

the depths of yoga

it manifests itself in you

i imagine his essence inside of me

bite size – small, convenient, easy
eg. I want to give them a bite sized taste of chanting


how to socialsocialise (v)

I’m not very social (adj)

Mantra has been passed down orally for 4-5000 years from one of the oldest veda. This chant is not connected to any religion, so it doesn’t mention any god or diety, so whether you’re religious or not, it could be suitable for you.

We chant mantra with our consciousness through our voice, creating vibrations, and this vibration brings the energy of the universe and it manifests itself in your mind, body, and speech.

Om Namah Shivaya

