Online Class Notes (Jesse)


page 19 contact


compass – NSEW
campus – university / college

punctuation – , . ” ” ( )
pronunciation – the way you speak

The English Channel – the ocean between England and France

au revior – “or rev war” – goodbye in French


foreigner – wai guo ren – “foh rin ner” 
foreign – wai guo de – “foh rin” 

baron – “ba ren” 

Speaking exercise

“oh god, lost them” Blister grumbled. “It’s OKAY they’re just a bunch of dumb little fish” Burn said carelessly. “But that was my dinner” Blister argued. “Fine fine fine” Burn said. “How long will this go on again…?” Blaze sighed. “What in the world is happening out here? Seriously! Shuttup.. you’re bothering me watching TV. You want me to go there and kill you myself?!”. An old male dragon stomped out and bellowed at Burn and Blister. “Oh good…” Burn sighed. “Grandfather, can you just go and leave us alone?!”. “You have a grandfather??” Blister teased.. “you must have a girlfriend too!! oooo!!”. “Shuttup! You want me to kill you??” Burn threatened. Burn’s grandfather shouted “Shuttup all of you or else I’m going to kill every last one of you and hang your bodies on the ally walls!”. “No you wouldn’t dare” Blister narrowed his eyes and glared at him. “I dare you to try and kill me” Burn’s grandfather examined Blister from head to toe like he was going to eat him for dinner. “Want me to eat you for lunch??” Blister threatened at Burn’s grandfather. “Oh grandfather just stop getting in the spotlight, get off the stage!” Burns grumbled. “Ohh you want me to kill you too and have you for my dinner and my breakfast for tomorrow?” Burns’ grandfather grumbled. “What is happening here?” a voice came from the corridor. “Yikes!! Is that a ghost?” Blister said calmly. “I know it’s you just come out!” Blister said. “I’m not going to get spooked. You spooked me many times already..”. A gigantic female dragon stormed out of the door and shouted “Who wants to be my dinner today?!” Blister’s grandmother Storm said while examining from tail to heart as though she was planning to eat him for her lunch. “Oh god, stop pretending.. I know you wanna have a roasted fish and 5-10 jellyfish, but you know we’re out of jellyfish today and we only have 2 roasted fish left!”. A little fish popped out and said “We have about 25 to 42 jellyfish which are able to be roasted or cooked any way you want”. “Oh good! I’m starving!!” Burns’ grandfather said in a relieved voice but actually pretending. “Oh cut off your head!” Burn and Blister said almost simultaneously to their grandfather and grandmother. “So hungry!!! I’ll go out and fetch some fish.” and swam off in a burst of bubbles. Blaze swam to the island coastline and found a small fish. “That will be enough!” she got out the net she had prepared and tried to catch the little fish, but she just barely caught it. She dived into the school of fish and with a swift move, killed them all and swept them into his net. “Here’s your dinner” Blaze announced to everyone in the room.