Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


badminton – yu mai qiu
eg. my friend is not very good at badminton



looking at – not moving
watching – moving

hole – kong

whistle – a sound you make with your mouth

fake tooth
fake < > real 


I am scared because the snake scary 

Speaking exercise

MB goes to the road and ties the string in his mouth and on the tree. Next the first car came. The first car was too low, the string was too high so MB was waiting for next car. and motorbike came.. this motorbike is too high so the motorbike hits the string. The man falls off his motorbike and is looking what happening. The blue car hits the motorbike and then the blue car turn and the car crashes on the tree

MB goes to the road and ties the string in his mouth and on the tree. Next the first car comes and it is too low, because the string is too high so MB was waits for the next car. and a motorbike comes... this motorbike is more than high enough so it hits the string. The man falls off his motorbike and he is looking around and thinking what is happening. The blue car hits the motorbike and then it turns and it crashes into the tree

and / but / so / because / when