Online Class Notes (Ally)


silver lining: good thing in a very bad situation

off: not very on-point


how about + noun
ie. How about China? How about your daughter?

maybe+phrase, might+verb

ie. come = where you are as a speaker, go = any other place

Speaking exercise

how about you alone during this period.
how do you live alone during this period?
how is your life during this period?
how is it living alone during this period?

we maybe come back to the status as before
we might go back to the status before

will depart from Aug. the 9th, and trans… in NZL …
will depart on Aug. the 9th, and transfer/have a connecting flight in NZL …

the study is very stressful
the study environment/school is very stressful

I think what I familiar with the factor in business are much more advanced than Australia
I think my experience in SH are much more advanced than in Australia.
I think my experience in SH are very advanced for the business environment in Australia.

5 or 6 times… total length we live maybe 2 years
(I’ve been there) for 5 or 6 times, and we lived there for 2 years in total.

near to the south pole… not very near
near the/close to the south pole… not very close

I am the person who less like the Australia
I am the person who likes Australia less/the least

maybe needs much long time to recover
maybe needs a longer/ much more time to recover

price have some effect
real estate/housing prices will be effected
the pandemic situation has some effect on the housing prices

people who have some hesitation to leave SH or not, and this time may have some effects
people are hesitating to leave SH and the pandemic will have some effects on their decision.
people who are considering to leave SH(S) are(v) effected by the pandemic.

inquire some migration possibility
inquire about some immigration possibility