Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

MB goes home with lots of things. Then the telephone rings and he writes the menu. After that the telephone keeping ringing. When he puts the flower into the bowl the telephone rings again. He can’t close the stove because he is so busy.

MB goes home from the supermarket with lots of things. Then the telephone rings and he makes the menu. After that the telephone keeps ringing. When he puts the flour into the bowl the telephone rings again. He can’t turn off the stove because he is so busy.





flower – hua
flour – mian fen

the first of June
what’s the date today?

Today is the 7th of March
Yesterday was the 6th of March
Tomorrow is the 8th of March

It is on the 1st of June  

When do you practice? I practice every week / I practice once a week 
When do you go to school? I go to school 5 times a week

customer – ke ren

printer – n
print – v

they will buy his pizza

He delivers the pizza

He rings the doorbell

Needs more review

delete – computers / phones …
remove – anything – take away

competition – bi sai
eg. I have a dancing competition once a year
eg2. will you have a competition again?