F2F Class Notes (Li)


dessert – cakes, chocolate, ice cream

busy – when you don’t have free time

ex. My teacher is very busy today.

ex. Easy is very busy dancing on Saturday.

painful – hurts a lot “AHHHH”

toothache – tooth hurts


and – to join two things together

I like ice cream. I like fruits 

ex. I like ice cream and fruits.

but – the opposite

Martha likes chocolate. Martha doesn’t like candies. 

ex. Martha likes chocolate, but she doesn’t like candies.

so – because of A, you then have B

You finished your homework. You put your school bag away.  

ex. You finished your homework, so put your schoolbag away.

ex. You ate your food so you can have dessert.

Speaking exercise

I very very like

I really, really like it  

I am having class and using the computer.

I am having class, so I can’t have dinner.

I eat breakfast early, so that I can go to school.

Easy is sick, so he doesn’t go to school.

Mr Bean likes teddy, so he buys a teddy from the shop.

Today is Monday, but I don’t go to school.

Tomorrow is Saturday, but I need to got to school.

Easy likes ice cream but he cannot eat ice cream today.

Mr Bean eats popcorn and breaks his teeth.

Mr Bean eats bread and his teeth is very painful.

Mr Bean is very hungry, so he eats a popcorn.