Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Old Favourite word: then 

Next favourite word: and

Next next favourite word: so

Jesse’s favourite word: which

Writing exercise

Mr Bean finds a crown in the magpies nest! He puts the crown into his pocket and left and then he goes into his house which is blue. After that he lifts the magpies right wing, it fell down. He uses a ice creams stick like a splint. He uses the bandage to stick the splint on the magpie it lifts its wing it fell down and so do him! Mr Bean puts a lot of books on the floor to make a staircase. He puts a part of a cookie on each book. The magpie goes down each book to eat the cookie.

Mr Bean finds a crown in the magpies nest! He puts the crown into his pocket and left, and then he goes into his house which is blue. After that he lifts the magpies right wing, it falls down. He uses a ice creams stick like a splint. He uses the bandage to stick the splint onto the magpie’s right wing. After it lifts its wing, it falls down and so does he! Mr Bean puts a lot of books on the floor to make a staircase. He puts a part of a cookie on each book and then the magpie goes down each book to eat the cookie.


Speaking exercise

Then he eat the cookie on the floor. it leads to mr bean and teddy which is the nurse. Then he goes up the box to eat the cookie, then he pass teddy the nurse and get to the medicine place. He drinks the medicine and then mr bean gives him a small pillow and a blanket to sleep. Then they watch TV. Mr Bean gets to a program about the queen. The magpie’s eyes twinkle because of the queen’s crown which the magpie wants. 

Then he eats the cookie on the floor which leads to mr bean and teddy who is the nurse. Then he goes up the box to eat the cookie, and he passes teddy the nurse and gets to the medicine place. He drinks the medicine and then mr bean gives him a small pillow and a blanket to sleep. After that, they watch TV and Mr Bean changes to a program about the queen. The magpie’s eyes twinkle because of the queen’s crown which the magpie wants. 


he / she / they – who 
it – which 

because of the queen’s crown and the magpie wants it
because of the queen’s crown which the magpie wants.


( ) brackets

I like cookies and so do you.

He likes cookies and so does she. – best
He likes cookies and she likes cookies. – pretty good but too long

pharmacy – yao fang

eg. Teddy will give the magpie a drip