Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

Mr Bean gaves the money to the ice cream truck’s driver but the ice cream man just gave him 2 coins then Mr Bean finds out that Harry has eaten the all the ice cream when he pays the money. After that, they goes shopping. Mr Bean looks at his shopping list the he finds the first thing he wants to buy then he turns around to put the thing he choosed into the shopping cart but Harry has choose a lot of grocery already and then Mr Bean is mad and sigh.

Mr Bean gives the money to the ice cream truck’s driver, but the ice cream man just gave him 2 coins. Then, Mr Bean finds out that Harry has eaten the all the ice cream when he pays the money. After that, they go shopping and Mr Bean looks at his shopping list, then he finds the first thing he wants to buy, but when he turns around to put the thing he chooses into the shopping cart, but Harry has chosen a lot of grocery already. Then Mr Bean is mad and sighs.


After Mr Bean ties the rope to the chicken, Harry follows the chicken down stairs and outside

I like pizza. It s good. = I like pizza because it is good.

I went to the park and i saw a man and he was very funny but i was angry. = 4 ideas is enough.

give / gave (past) / given / will give 

I go / I went / I have been / I will go

I eat / I ate / I have eaten / I will eat 

I can eat / I could eat

I choose / I chose / I have chosen / I will choose 


he has piles / stacks of plates next to his bed

drag the chicken
