Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

The shadows came to the evening, making it cooler after the hot day. Finally, Templeton got out from the crate. He was hungry and thirsty, looking around he decided to explore the fair. Before he left, charlotte told him “bring a word for me when you back, please” maybe it will be the last writing that I’ll do, Templeton didn’t respond, mumble something to himself and disappeared.
the children were happy enjoying the fair. Fern for example was invited by her friend Henry, who wanted to ride with her on the Ferris wheel. Her mother looked how happy face that her daughter was.
Templeton found a newspaper that had some food enough for him, so when he finished to eat, cut a word of it and back to the pigpen.

The shadows came to the evening, making it cooler after the hot day. Finally, Templeton got out from / of the crate. He was hungry and thirsty, and looking around he decided to explore the fair. Before he left, charlotte told him “bring a word for me when you are / come back, please, maybe it will be the last writing that I’ll do”, Templeton didn’t respond, mumbling / and mumbles something to himself and disappeared.
The children were happy, enjoying the fair. Fern for example was invited by her friend Henry, who wanted to ride with her on the Ferris wheel. Her mother looked at how happy her daughter’s face that her daughter was. / looked at her daughter and saw how happy she was / her face looked.
Templeton found a newspaper that had some food inside and it was / inside which was enough for him, so when he finished eating, he cut a word out of it and went / came back to the pigpen.


I did a group workout class involving / which includes lifting weights

bodyweight exercises

draught – wind that goes through your house / a room
eg. Miguel there is a draught , please check it!

there’s no question that ….. = definitely
eg. there’s no question that it’s hot in summer in Shanghai = it is definitely hot / obviously hot

cut out a word / cut a word out 

thick / dense – not smart / not thin


I like coffee.
Coffee is good.

I like dancing.
Dancing is fun.

I have a friend and he is funny.
I have a friend who is funny.

I have a pen and it is black.
I have a pen which is black.

see – ability / experience
look – the point your eyes are focused on

I’m looking to buy some shoes = I want to buy
I’m looking for some shoes = use eyes to find things
You look good / You look happy = when I see you, I think you’re happy
How does it look? / What does it look like = what’s the appearance?

How happy are you?
I don’t know how happy you are.

What do you like?
I don’t know what you like

Templeton didn’t respond, mumbling / and mumbles something to himself and disappeared.
Miguel walked into the room, giving me a hug

temple didn’t respond and also templeton mumbling something..

and / but / so / because / when / if – easy
ing verb to continue – higher level

I return (v)
I come back (adv)
I am back (adv)

I go home
I come home
I am home 

Miguel walked into the room, giving me a hug = 2 things happening at the same time

Miguel woke up and he walked into the room, giving me a hug = 3 things, 2 of them at the same time