Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

We have got the warning from scientist that sea level rise would be one of the greatest challenges in the world as it would affect the climate heavily. but we didn’t know why the sea level would rise, and I got the answer from a youtube video. Antarctica has the biggest ice in the world, but now they met a trouble, the main reason is come from Thwaites Glacier which is cross the west coast of Antarctica, in past several tens of years, the Glacier became clear and fell apart. In the video,we learned that the thickest ice sheet of Antarctic is in the middle, when the middle builds, it pushes ice out towards the oceans via glaciers, and the part of glacier that floats on water is its “ice shelfâ€, but today, the climate is getting warmer and warmer, it makes the ice sheet melt with different speed. And most of the west Antarctica ice sheet lies below sea level, water can undermine it, so it might cause a rapid collapse. That’s why scientists said that the Thwaites Glacier is the most dangerous ice sheet in the world. Right now, Thwaites is barely hanging on, it contributes 4% to global sea level rise. Facing this challenge, scientists point out that humans can possibly slow or even stall the collapse by curbing greenhouse gas emissions soon, otherwise the glacier will cause more than 3 meters of seas level rise in the next few centuries and it will submerge Miami, southern Bangladesh, parts of the Netherlands and new York city, and once it starts to collapse, it won’t stop.

We have got the warning from scientists / the scientific community that sea level rise would be one of the greatest challenges in the world as it would affect the climate heavily / have a big impact on climate. However, we didn’t know why the sea level would rise, and I got the answer from a youtube video. Antarctica has the biggest ice shelf in the world, but now they met some trouble, with the main reason coming (and the main reason comes) from Thwaites Glacier which overlaps with the west coast of Antarctica. In past several tens of years, the Glacier became clear and fell apart. In the video,we learned that the thickest ice sheet of Antarctic is in the middle. When the middle builds, it pushes ice out towards the oceans via glaciers, and the part of the glacier that floats on water is its “ice shelfâ€. However, today, the climate is getting warmer and warmer, which makes the ice sheet melt at different speeds. And most of the west Antarctica ice sheets lie below sea level, water can undermine it, so it might cause a rapid collapse (which is why…). That’s why scientists said that the Thwaites Glacier is the most dangerous ice sheet in the world. Right now, Thwaites is barely hanging on, and contributes 4% to global sea level rise. Facing this challenge, scientists point / have pointed out that humans can possibly slow or even stall the collapse by curbing greenhouse gas emissions soon, otherwise the glacier will cause more than 3 meters of sea level rise in the next few centuries and it will submerge Miami, southern Bangladesh, parts of the Netherlands and new York city, and once it starts to collapse, it won’t stop / and it will be unstoppable once it starts.


erode – when nature eats something slowly
eg. the water slowly erodes the ice sheet, undermining it.

i have an eye for quality / an eye for creative skill / I have a keen eye for quality

on the internet – online
eg. I look it up online
eg2. I search online / I find them online

4 tones in chinese


at a speed / time / age / price
for a price

work with the team to a fashion project for on a fashion project 

the ice sheet will be collapsed will collapse 

we talk in email / whatsapp – via / on / through email