Online Class Notes (Jesse)


cosmos (formal) / universe (normal)

world building – the process of a film maker / author creating worlds for their readers / viewers

donate their organs 

dystopian < > utopian 

carry their childrenraise children 

born in a lab / grown in a lab / test-tube baby
eg. they were grown in a lab

sub-human – less than human
eg. they were born in a lab and treated as sub-human

phony / fake / pretentious 

supporting actor / co-star
lead actor / star 

he’s quite quiet he’s pretty quiet / he’s a bit quiet 

he seldom talkshe’s not a big talker so I did most of the talking 

abnormal – weird / negative
unique – positive

look at sb with rose colored goggles / glasses 

she ticks all the boxes 

mid 20s 
eg. I’m in my mid 20s

room and board – rent to your parents
eg. I pay room and board


what do you care the most? what do you care about the most?

it shows you are dependent on them

I read about his death / him dyingÂ